Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

Look at those crazy kids!!!

Grandpa / Abuelo

I love my Grandpa! He was definitely behind the Saints this year!!

Amo a mi Abuelo!

Sharp Teeth / Dientes Afilados

Yesterday at church, Little Kylar was chewing on everything including my clothes. We were in the middle of Sacrament and he totally slammed his head down onto my arm and bit me! I gasped and everyone looked back at me. I had two scratches and a little bruise because he bit me so hard and pulled off. Ouch!!!! Now I really have to be careful with that little piranha!

Ayer en iglesia, Kylar estaba mordiendo todo incluso mi ropa. Estabamos en medio de la Santa Cena y El se bajo su cabeza en mi brazo y me mordio! Grite y todos me miraron! Tengo dos rayas y un cardenal en mi brazo porque mordio tan fuerte y tiro mi piel. Auch! Ahora, necesito tener mucho cuidado con mi pirana!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Superbowl Champions / Campeones del Superbowl

Go Saints! Who dat!! I have to put a little blog message for our team, the New Orleans Saints! We had about 15 people watching the SuperBowl at Mom and Dad's house. It was an exciting game. Kylar was getting tired toward the end. I told Marcelo that I would hold him and cover his ears to block out screaming. I decided that I would just not scream. Two seconds later, touchdown, and I was screaming like an idiot! Sorry, Kylar, you'll understand one day!! LOL As we drove home, you could hear horns blowing and people yelling, 'Who dat!" One lady actually stuck half her body out of her car, blew a horn, and yelled 'Who dat baby!' to us!! It was totally awesome!

Who Dat Baby!!